
Dennistoun New


Ministers Musings

Hi Everyone,

Well we often speak of Lent as being a time of self-denial as we move forward to Easter. It would seem, that for some of us, Lent will be a time of self-denial as some will have to self-isolate and in some cases whole families. This is life as many of us have never known it.

This situation caused me to think of the bread strikes in the 1970s, the miners’ strikes and the power cuts too in the 1970s. However, it is different in that we are dealing with something which can bring a real threat to all of us and some will have a form of isolation forced upon them.

We should all of course follow the guidelines of good personal sanitation and keep ourselves abreast of all the updates and information regarding this coronavirus crisis.

This crisis is indeed a test of our mettle and a challenge to all of us to look out for each other and to care for those who are the most vulnerable around us. Neighbourliness is something that we don’t hear much about these days, people are always rushing about here there and everywhere. Well, this virus is forcing many of us to stop! And so, we must stop! Stop and think, stop and pray, stop and look, stop and gauge our lives accordingly.

We will be without our common time of gathering when we all with one mind and spirit worship God, listen to his Word, pray and fellowship one with another. But that doesn’t mean we should not still be of one mind and spirit. Let me urge you to find solace in prayer, comfort in reading the Scriptures and be inspired to look forward to the end of this crisis when we can gather again, worship, pray, listen to God’s Word and have a good face to face chin wag too.

Meanwhile please remember that we’re only always a phone call away from each other and if anyone needs a message done you need only ask.

Stay well, care for each other and look to God for strength and grace.

Your Friend and Minister,
Ian McInnes


Scottish Charity Number: SC008824